
Panama Canal Zone Schools

Entry/Revision Form


This is a registry of Balboa High School, Cristobal High School, Paraiso High School, Rainbow City High School and Panama Canal College (AKA Canal Zone College or Canal Zone Junior College) alumni who can be reached by e-mail or otherwise. As of October, 2008 there were more than 20,000 names in the database! To be effective in the long run YOU need to add to it (if you attended any of these schools) and you should add other people's names if you know where they are. Grab your address book and get to work! Once you have finished adding to the database you can search to see if your entries have been recorded correctly or to look for other people.

There is also a detailed description and philosophy of the database which explains how things work in more depth. This is just a public service, there is no other motive on my part.

ENTRY HINTS: Don't use all capital or all lower case letters (your entry looks better as "Smith" rather than "smith" or "SMITH"). If you are revising an entry be sure to click the "Revision" button at the bottom of this form (your old record will NOT be deleted immediately due to the way this computer program works). Once you have submitted an entry be sure to read all the information that comes back to you, including notes at the bottom of the page. This might help explain what has happened if your entry does not turn out as you expected. Keep your "Additional Information" short...if it is too long the database will divide your entry into pieces which might confuse searchers.

First: MI: Last: Suffix:
Alternate last name (e.g. maiden name):
City: State: ZIP:-
Home Page:
High School: :Year (e.g. 77)
College: :Year (e.g. 81)
Microsoft Messenger:
AOL Instant Messenger:
ICQ #:
Yahoo Messenger:
Add'l Info:
Are you a reunion coordinator/class contact? Yes No
Is this a NEW ENTRY or a REVISION? New Entry Revision

 Send me mail.

Last revision: October 14, 2008.