
Panama Canal Zone School Alumni


This is a search form for Balboa High School, Cristobal High School, Paraiso High School, Rainbow City High School and Panama Canal College (AKA Canal Zone Junior College or Canal Zone College) alumni who can be reached by e-mail or otherwise. As of October 9, 2008 there were more than 20,000 names in the database! After you finish your search why don't you add to the database?

If you are looking for a copy of your transcript click here.


* If you are searching for all the people registered in a particular class leave the "phrase" box empty.
* If you are searching for a particular phrase leave the "class year" box empty.
* A phrase can be a last name, nickname, city ...anything! But if it is too general you may be overwhelmed by the response.
* Just search for one word at a time (e.g. Smith or John), do not search for combinations of words (e.g. John Smith).

Enter the phrase you wish to search for: 


High school & year to see full class list: :Year (e.g. 77)